Day: January 14, 2009 For parents & teens | Para los padres y los adolescentes

Safety education campaign helps families manage video gaming and media use; company…

Alberto Saldamando

“Resident Evil 5” Demo | Xbox Live | 01/26/09

"Resident Evil 5" Demo Premiers Exclusively on Xbox 360 Starting January 26…

Alberto Saldamando

XBLA: Castle Crashers DLC

CASTLE CRASHERS® PDLC NOW AVAILABLE —New Characters, weapons, and magic for 2008's…

Alberto Saldamando

Epic Games @

Join Epic Games developers and for Gears of War 2 Xbox…

Alberto Saldamando

EA takes WAR goes to Russia | EA lleva WAR a Rusia

EA Goes to WAR in Russia as Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning…

Alberto Saldamando

NinjaTrick: A new game on Facebook | Un nuevo juego en Facebook

"NinjaTrick" – a Free-to-play, browser based action game for Facebook Platform –…

Alberto Saldamando

Wii Music: At schools | En las escuelas

I remember having seen Konami's Dance Dance Revolution dance pads at many…

Alberto Saldamando