With the exception of players from the Brazilian national soccer team, all players and teams participating in the professional league in the South American country will not be appearing in the upcoming FIFA 15 video game.
Due to a change in the way EA Sports and the professional Brazilian league do their licensing agreements, the videogame publisher said no Brazilian league team will make its appearance in the upcoming soccer title, not even in a fictitious or generic form.The 19 Brazilian professional soccer teams will appear indeed in Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer 2015.
Soccer fans may be disappointed by the absence of these teams, however, soccer stars who play in other countries will still make the cut.
According to Terra.com, an EA rep mentioned the absence of a players’ association partially led to the breakdown, however, a representative from Santos FC stated the team has not received explanations of this issue from EA. Santos FC is currently seeking an explanation from EA.
EA Sports and Santos FC made a contract to make the team present in FIFA games until 2018.
Q: What did Konami do to keep players from the Brazilian soccer league in PES? Is EA’s Jonathan Harris working a way to bring the Brazilian clubs to the game? He said the company wasn’t comfortable about keeping the teams in the game.
[Sources]: IGN: FIFA 15 Won’t Include Domestic Brazil Teams [https://www.ign.com/articles/2014/08/01/fifa-15-wont-include-domestic-brazil-teams]; Terra.com: Santos não entende exclusão de Fifa 15: “temos contrato” | (Santos does not understand the exclusion from FIFA 15: “We have a contract”)[https://games.terra.com.br/santos-diz-nao-entender-exclusao-de-fifa-15-temos-contrato,aad86f01cd297410VgnVCM3000009af154d0RCRD.html].