Six new masters of the video game and card game categories have been named champions at the 2014 Pokémon World Championships earlier today.
Players around the world may also be wondering what Pokémon did the aces of the games use to become champions. The Pokémon web site shows detailed info of the Pokémon used by every champ along with the rest of the top four players in every division.
Pokémon TCG World Championship
Masters Division: Andrew Estrada (CA) []
Senior Division: Trent Orndorff (US) []
Junior Division: Haruto Kobayashi (JP) []
Pokémon Video Game World Championship
Masters Division: Se Jun Park []
Senior Division: Nikolai Zielinski []
Junior Division: Kota Yamamoto (JP) []
[Source]: The New Pokémon World Champions Have Been Crowned! [].