During the Mad Catz’ streaming at the Tokyo Game Show, game producer Katsuhiro Harada introduced the latest character for the upcoming game Tekken 7, this time a Latina.
According to Harada, Catalina (カタリーナ), the Latin American combatant, is a “sassy, mouthed talker” who uses the Savate fighting style (aka French boxing, French footfighting/kickboxing). Also, the character will be beginner-friendly when it comes to gameplay. Her nationality has not been revealed yet.
In the image, it seems like players will be able to choose an alternate costume for Catalina with a tattoo of Mad Catz (maker of game accessories and audio products), among other things.

[Source]: IGN: TGS 2014: New Female Character Announced for Tekken 7 [https://www.ign.com/articles/2014/09/20/tgs-2014-new-female-character-announced-for-tekken-7].