Earlier today, Sony Computer Entertainment America announced on its PlayStation.Blog more info about the upcoming firmware 2.0 for the PlayStation 4. Codenamed Masamune, this update will offer brand-new features including Share Play and YouTube support. Graphically, Masamune will bring more life to the PS4’s user interface by offering Themes. And just like the Xbox One, the PS4 will also offer a USB music player and Kinect-like voice commands using the word PlayStation.
The following is a detailed list of the features you’ll see included in the upcoming firmware 2.0:
- USB Music Player: PS4 owners can play their own music in the background while playing a game using USB Music Player*. After inserting a USB stick loaded with music into the PS4, a new option for USB Music Player will appear. Supported filename extensions include MP3, MP4, M4A, and 3GP.
- Change colors: In addition to the ability to add a theme, PS4 owners can also change the background of the home screen from light blue to one of seven new colors: gold, blue, red, green, purple, pink, and gray.
- Players You May Know: PS4 will now suggest players you may know as potential friends in the ‘What’s New’ section.
- Enhancements to Live Broadcasting: Masamune brings a variety of improvements to live broadcasting on PS4. In the Live From PlayStation app, PS4 owners can now select a Featured channel, which includes official broadcasts from PlayStation, broadcasts from people on a players friend list, and any game channel that the player has followed. Additionally, Live From PlayStation now has filters for searching broadcasts on a specific game, as well as support for archived broadcasts.
- Content Area and Library: PS4’s Content Area, which shows the latest games and apps a PS4 owner has used, has been redesigned to help make it easier to quickly find and access content. It now shows 15 of a player’s most used apps or games, and additional items will be added to a player’s Library. The Library on PS4 has improved filter and sort functions to help organize contented by type (game / app / TV & video), name (a – z or z – a), recently used, or install date.
- Enhanced Voice Commands: The ability to control PS4 using voice has been improved. Players can now say ‘PlayStation’ to begin commands, and ‘All Commands,’ to see a list of all voice command options available. New voice commands were added for live broadcasting, including “Start broadcast,” “End broadcast,” and “Find face.”
- Add To Library: The monthly free PlayStation Plus games will have an ‘Add to Library’ button in the PlayStation Store. This button will add a game to a PS4 owner’s library without downloading it – saving space on their hard drive.
Correction: Back Up Data, a feature listed in an earlier version of this post, is not part of PS4 system software 2.00.
[Source]: PlayStation.Blog: PS4 System Software Preview – USB Music Player, New Home Screen Colors, More [https://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/10/16/ps4-system-software-preview-usb-music-player-new-home-screen-colors-more/].