Happy 4th!
Happy Independence Day! #4thofJuly pic.twitter.com/zNodFnWjxz
— Halo (@Halo) July 4, 2019
Starting July 5th, the first-ever Halo: Outpost Discovery comes to Orlando, FL, at the Orange County Convention Center. In case you don’t know what this event is about, it’s for fans of the sci-fi franchise to participate in a competitive VR challenge, check out the interactive museum, play in groups in a laser tag arena, attend community meetings, play in one of the 200+ gaming stations, and more.
The Pelican dropship has arrived, and Spartans Hazel and Owen have been deployed here in Orlando! Check out a Warthog and more incredible Halo icons brought to life at this weekend's Halo: Outpost Discovery event! #HaloOutpost pic.twitter.com/dscdKJVOyw
— Halo: Outpost Discovery (@HaloOutpost) July 4, 2019
If you are attending or are just curious, you may want to download the Halo: Outpost app for Android devices (8 or above) or iOS devices (11 or above).
The Halo: Outpost Discovery app is now available for download! Get it on your smartphone now to make the most of your H:OD experience! 📲 pic.twitter.com/0VEYpPMaAm
— Halo: Outpost Discovery (@HaloOutpost) July 4, 2019
For now, take a look at the Halo: Outpost Discovery web site and watch the following videos:
Behind the Scenes, Episode 1
Behind the Scenes, Episode 2
Behind the Scenes, Episode 3
Halo: Outpost Discovery Details Discussed at E3 2019
Halo: Outpost Discovery Trailer