During today’s Pokémon Presents stream, The Pokémon Company introduced New Pokémon Snap, a new title based on the 1999 Pokémon Snap game for the Nintendo 64, originally developed by HAL Laboratory and Pax Softnica.
For people who are not familiar with the original title or the new one yet, Pokémon Snap lets players take photos of any Pokémon, instead of catching them.
According to Nintendo, gamers will be able to “research various Pokémon in their natural habitats and capture Pokémon behaviors.” All in-game photos will let fans create their own Pokémon Photodex.
That’s right, Trainers—#PokemonSnapIsBack! #NewPokemonSnap is an all-new adventure inspired by the classic Nintendo 64 game.
Grab your camera, and get ready to photograph Pokémon while exploring beautiful islands on Nintendo Switch! https://t.co/7lqjl7saf0 pic.twitter.com/p6oJgmwZ8d
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) June 17, 2020
This time around, Bandai Namco is developing the game “under construction.” No release date has been announced.
This rarity of a title should bring veteran fans of the franchise many nostalgic moments and open up a door to a new generation of Pokémon fans.
[Sources]: @Pokemon (Twitter): That’s right, Trainers—#PokemonSnapIsBack!. Nintendo: New Pokémon Snap – [Archive].