Long-running manga One Piece has exceeded 490 million copies in worldwide circulation, Mantan Web and Anime News Network informed.
The huge amount includes more than 400 million copies in Japan along with 90 million copies in more than 57 countries and regions.
Besides the mention of this achievement, some projects were announced.
To commemorate the launch of the manga volume 100 to be released on September 3, One Piece publisher Shueisha, interactive production company Bascule and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced the Kibō Discover Project. The purpose of the project is to bring hope throughout the world “by venturing into space.” Kibō, which means hope, is the name of the Japanese module at the International Space Station and the name of the video communication system used for transmission between Earth and ISS. More info is already available at the Kibō Space website (Archive).
Other projects announced were the One Piece Knowledge King test, the one-shot Oda voice comic titled Monsters, the free limited-time release of the first 90 volumes and more.
One project that was already announced on July 12 will make its debut tomorrow. The Where’s Wally (aka Where’s Waldo) crossover will let fans search for Wally and Luffy hidden in the illustration.
[Source]: Mantan Web: ONE PIECE:全世界累計発行部数4億9000万部突破 100巻発売記念でルフィたちが“宇宙”へ 「ウォーリーをさがせ!」コラボ 企画続々 – [Archive].
[Via]: Anime News Network: One Piece Manga Tops 490 Million in Circulation Worldwide – [Archive].