After many complaints by fans, the PS4 firmware update 9.0 can now prevent consoles from getting bricked.
The issue began earlier this year after reports of PS4 consoles getting bricked. With a dead CMOS battery and no Internet, there is no way for PS4 consoles to check the internal clock. The inability of checking the internal clock doesn’t let anyone play physical or digital games. Sony was trying to prevent users from being able to make changes to their trophy data.
However, the issue seems to have been solved.
Popular YouTuber Modern Vintage Gamer put the update to the test. He tested a PS4 console with firmware 9.0 installed and the CMOS battery removed. Surprisingly enough, the console he tested indeed worked.
Fans have been worried about this ever since Sony decided to shut down the PS3 and the PS Vita stores. However, complaints by fans made the company change its mind.
PS4 owners now won’t have to worry about playing games for when the CMOS battery dies.
Check out the 10-minute video here.
[Source]: Modern Vintage Gamer (YouTube): The PlayStation PS4 CMOS Battery problem has been fixed | MVG.