Necrosoft Games announced today the offline version of the Google Stadia exclusive title Gunsport is playable on Steam.
Players who own the Steam version of Hyper Gunsport can play the offline version of the original title Gunsport. The sequel arrived to various platforms in December 2022, about two years after the release of the original.
The developer shared the method via this video because it cares “about game preservation.” To be able to play Gunsport, Steam users have to enter the beta access code “OriginalGunsport.”
it’s a great idea to keep a game still alive after the shutdown of Google Stadia.
[Source]: @NecrosftGames (Twitter): Stadia is shutting down tomorrow. This means all exclusives, like the original Gunsport, will blink out of existence. But!! Since we care about game preservation we’ve made an offline version of Gunsport available in the Steam version of Hyper Gunsport, through the beta channel – [Archive] – [Screenshot].