El desarrollador de Fortnite, Epic Games, decidió cancelar la Copa Mundial de Fortnite 2020 debido a la pandemia del coronavirus.
En una serie de tuits a través de su cuenta @FNCompetitive, la compañía proporcionó una nueva hoja de ruta con planes para el resto del 2020.
«Debido a las limitaciones de la competencia en línea entre regiones, no habrá una Copa Mundial de Fortnite en el 2020». Todos los torneos, incluidos los de eventos de terceros, serán en línea hasta nuevo aviso.
Physical Events – For the rest of 2020, all Fortnite competitions will be held online. Due to the limitations of cross region online competition, there will not be a Fortnite World Cup in 2020.
— Fortnite Competitive (@FNCompetitive) April 30, 2020
«No sabemos cuándo será práctico el regreso a grandes eventos mundiales en persona, pero esperamos poder organizar algún tipo de Copa Mundial de Fortnite en el 2021. Mientras tanto, tenemos más información sobre eventos en línea con FNCS, Cash Cups, eventos de terceros y transmisiones».
We don't know when a return to large, global, in-person events will be practical, but we're hopeful to be able to put on some form of Fortnite World Cup in 2021. In the meantime we have more info about online events with FNCS, Cash Cups, 3rd Party Events and Broadcasts.
— Fortnite Competitive (@FNCompetitive) April 30, 2020
We don't know when a return to large, global, in-person events will be practical, but we're hopeful to be able to put on some form of Fortnite World Cup in 2021. In the meantime we have more info about online events with FNCS, Cash Cups, 3rd Party Events and Broadcasts.
— Fortnite Competitive (@FNCompetitive) April 30, 2020
3rd Party Events – We continue to work with 3rd parties to provide more experiences for players. All events must be held online only until further notice. Please see the Terms and Style Guide in the link to host an event – https://t.co/6jmgYjJXGr
— Fortnite Competitive (@FNCompetitive) April 30, 2020
Por ahora, Epic Games traerá de vuelta las transmisiones oficiales a partir de este sábado a la 1 p.m. hora este con la Semana 1 de la Fortnite Championship Series Invitational (tr. Serie del Campeonato Fortnite por invitación).
Last month we said we would provide our evolving 2020 competitive roadmap. Today we wanted to provide updates on where we're at with plans in 2020!
— Fortnite Competitive (@FNCompetitive) April 30, 2020
[Fuente]: @FNCompetitive (Twitter): Physical Events – For the rest of 2020, all Fortnite competitions will be held online. Due to the limitations of cross region online competition, there will not be a Fortnite World Cup in 2020.