Las empresas y organizaciones grandes y pequeñas que representan a las industrias de videojuegos y animación se oponen al racismo, la violencia y el odio con sus publicaciones recientes en las redes sociales tras la muerte de George Floyd y las numerosas protestas en los Estados Unidos e incluso en el extranjero.
Nosotros aquí en El Mundo Tech nos oponemos al racismo, la violencia, los prejuicios, la injusticia y el odio. #BlackLivesMatter.
Esta página puede actualizarse para incluir mensajes adicionales de empresas y organizaciones.
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) June 1, 2020
«We denounce systematic racism and violence against the Black community.»
#BlackLivesMatter (1/3) pic.twitter.com/k4sIcUiPwP
— Sony (@Sony) May 31, 2020
«Being silent about the violence and racism Black people experience is being complicit.
We stand in solidarity today and every day with the Black community.»
Xbox stands together with our fans, creators, colleagues, friends, and the entire African American & Black Community against systemic racism and injustice.
We are proud to join with @Microsoft in amplifying Black and African American voices. https://t.co/sHrXqf454y
— Xbox (@Xbox) June 1, 2020
«Xbox stands together with our fans, creators, colleagues, friends, and the entire African American & Black Community against systemic racism and injustice.»
At this time, we will be using our platform to amplify voices from the Black and African American community at Microsoft.
And we’re starting with Megan Carpenter: https://t.co/cFFHxFQCrQ. pic.twitter.com/nDrMi4MPR2
— Microsoft (@Microsoft) June 1, 2020
«At this time, we will be using our platform to amplify voices from the Black and African American community at Microsoft. And we’re starting with Megan Carpenter: https://msft.it/6003TcJ0V.»
We stand together 💙💚 https://t.co/HMZNHeNzLd
— Xbox (@Xbox) June 1, 2020
«We stand together»
— Naughty Dog (@Naughty_Dog) June 1, 2020
«Now is the time for all to do our part and end anti-black racism and violence. Many of us at Naughty Dog are donating to national and local organizations. #BlackLivesMatter.»
Thank you, PlayStation, for matching donations. #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/Tl0m2Q0uXK pic.twitter.com/RHbUAHjfFy
— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) June 1, 2020
«Thank you, PlayStation, for matching donations. #BlackLivesMatter»
#BlackLivesMatter – and thanks to @PlayStation for their generous match. https://t.co/nt17cXI5EV pic.twitter.com/jc1KiMFVkV
— Evan Wells (@evan_wells) June 1, 2020
«#BlackLivesMatter – and thanks to @PlayStation for their generous match.»
An official statement from EA SPORTS pic.twitter.com/MKdgJjvKJB
— Madden NFL 23 (@EAMaddenNFL) May 31, 2020
«We stand with our African American / Black community of friends, players, colleagues and partners.»
— Riot Games (@riotgames) May 31, 2020
«Riot Games stand in solidarity with the Black community against all acts of injustice, racism, prejudice, and hatred.»
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/SbXHfafKaK
— Summerfall Studios – Stray Gods (@summerfallgames) May 31, 2020
«We stand with all the brave protesters and activists across the world who call for justice and an end to police brutality.»
Join me and speak up. Support. Sign the petition. Sending love and strength to all my family members in the gaming community right now. I stand with you. #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd https://t.co/HrQauzftVY
— Aaron Greenberg 🙅🏼♂️💚U (@aarongreenberg) May 31, 2020
«Join me and speak up. Support. Sign the petition. Sending love and strength to all my family members in the gaming community right now. I stand with you. #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd»
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/Hg1VIdEqmi
— Bethesda (@bethesda) June 1, 2020
«Together we stand united with Black communities to listen and speak up against inequity, oppression, and racism. Not just now, but always. #BlackLivesMatter.»
— Star Wars (@starwars) May 31, 2020
«We stand against racism. We stand for inclusion. We stand with our fellow Black employees, storytellers, creators and the entire Black community. We must unite and speak out.»
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) May 31, 2020
«We stand against racism. We stand for inclusion. We stand with our fellow Black employees, storytellers, creators and the entire Black community. We must unite and speak out.»
— Activision Blizzard (@ATVI_AB) June 1, 2020
«Today, and always, we support all those who stand against racism and inequality. There is no place for it in our society – or any society. Black lives matter.»
“Somebody has to stand when others are sitting. Somebody has to speak when others are quiet.” – Bryan Stevenson
We stand with our Black colleagues, talent, storytellers and fans – and all affected by senseless violence. Your voices matter, your messages matter. #BlackLivesMatter
— Warner Bros. (@warnerbros) May 31, 2020
«We stand with our Black colleagues, talent, storytellers and fans – and all affected by senseless violence. Your voices matter, your messages matter. #BlackLivesMatter.»
— Insomniac Games (@insomniacgames) June 1, 2020
«We will not stop speaking out for what is right. we are listening too. And doing our part to condemn acts of racism, injustice, and intolerance.
Many of us are donating to national and local organizations. We hope you will also consider doing so.
Insomniac will always remain dedicated to making a positive and lasting influence on people’s lives — within our game worlds and beyond.
#GeorgeFloyd#BreonnaTaylor#AhmaudArbery#TonyMcDade#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/9pvnWiuQNM
— Twitch (@Twitch) May 30, 2020
«Black people have been suffering under the oppressive weight of racism in America for far too long. We cannot delight in the creative contributions of the Black community on Twitch and remain silent while they are in pain.
We’re asking you to come together and stand up for Black lives whether it’s through your time, treasure, or talent. Don’t let today’s injustice stop us from creating a better tomorrow for our community.»
— ASTRO Gaming (@ASTROGaming) May 29, 2020
«Astro supports the #BlackLivesMatter movement and is outraged by the unnecessary and brutal police killings of George Floyd as well as far too many others.»
These past few days have been heartbreaking but we shall make it clear – #BlackLivesMatter .
If you want to know how to make a difference through donating, educating yourself or actions you could be taking right now at home, see the thread below.👇🏿 pic.twitter.com/fGnT5rYfvs
— POC in Play (@pocinplay) June 1, 2020
«These past few days have been heartbreaking but we shall make it clear – #BlackLivesMatter.»
Pixelles stands in solidarity with the black community, protestors, activists and support organizations. Along with our statement, you can find a list of resources and places to donate: https://t.co/Fdd6gOyKZE#BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter #SayTheirNames pic.twitter.com/oy6OYqRsoK
— Pixelles Montréal (@PixellesMtl) June 1, 2020
«Pixelles stands in solidarity with the black community, protestors, activists and support organizations.»
This is not a time to be silent. We at ustwo stand by Black communities and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The violence and systemic racism endured by Black people has to end. pic.twitter.com/wao2SomdG9
— ustwo games (@ustwogames) June 1, 2020
«This is not a time to be silent. We at ustwo stand by Black communities and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The violence and systemic racism endured by Black people has to end.»
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/ZTBEGbdNAW
— Overcooked 🍽 (@Overcookedgame) June 1, 2020
«We stand with all in the Black community who are reaching out and coming together for a kinder, more just world.»
Kitfox Games stands in solidarity with the black community. We cannot be silent about the injustices happening.
Full statement and helpful resources: https://t.co/y42mkqRcI2#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/lkw3EMfJSa
— Kitfox Games 🦊 (@KitfoxGames) June 1, 2020
«Kitfox Games stands in solidarity with the black community. We cannot be silent about the injustices happening.»
— Discord (@discord) June 1, 2020
«Discord stands in solidarity with the Black community against police brutality and systemic racism.»
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/5jfbvvlW9Y
— Games Done Quick (@GamesDoneQuick) June 1, 2020
«To provide immediate support to the protests and recovery in Minnesota, Games Done Quick is donating $2,500 to the nonprofit Lake Street Council’s We Love Lake Street project.» «Additionally, to further support the Black Lives Matter movement, Games Done Quick will be donating all of its Twitch subscription and bits revenue for the month of June to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF).»
Black Lives Matterhttps://t.co/36o17Q3xTjhttps://t.co/fn1eLg5p64https://t.co/VHCaNWEgaIhttps://t.co/sw4IIMHBCThttps://t.co/X1AFf0uUK5 pic.twitter.com/d7G36mcjWU
— Bungie (@Bungie) June 1, 2020
«We at Bungie are making a commitment to stand up on behalf of our Black community; including our players, developers, fans, and neighbors. Racial injustice surrounds us, and we need to help create positive change.»
— Toei Animation (@ToeiAnimation) June 1, 2020
«We stand for love, creativity, passion, inspiration, and duty.
We stand against injustice and inequality in our community.
We stand for voices to be heard.
-Toei Animation»
We believe in our anime community, in the rights of those in our community, and we believe that #BlackLivesMatter.
— Funimation (@Funimation) May 31, 2020
«We believe in our anime community, in the rights of those in our community, and we believe that #BlackLivesMatter.»
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/39SMKcAuYg
— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) May 31, 2020
«There is no anime community without Black fans, cosplayers, artists, and storytellers. We will not remain silent in the face of systematic racism and stand with the Black members of our community.
Let’s channel our passion and inspire change.
Black Lives Matter.»
— Amazon (@amazon) May 31, 2020
«The inequitable and brutal treatment of Black people in our community must stop.»