Tag: iPhone 5

Radio Shack: To sell iPhone 5 on launch day | A vender los iPhone 5 el día del lanzamiento

Info: [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/09/15/radio-shack-to-sell-iphone-5-on-launch-day-a-vender-los-iphone-5-el-dia-del-lanzamiento/].

Alberto Saldamando

Radio Shack: To sell iPhone 5 on launch day | A vender los iPhone 5 el día del lanzamiento

[EN]: One of the most expected and attractive new electronic devices will be…

Alberto Saldamando

Is it time to pre-order your iPhone 5? | ¿Es ya la hora para ordenar por adelantado tu iPhone 5?

[EN]: If you are a Verizon customer and are already thinking about…

Alberto Saldamando

Apple: iPhone 5 (Press Release)

Apple Introduces iPhone 5 Thinnest, Lightest iPhone Ever Features All-New Aluminum Design,…

Alberto Saldamando

Apple: iPhone 5 event on Sept. 12 | Evento del iPhone 5 el 12 de septiembre

Info: [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/apple-iphone-5-event-on-sept-12-evento-del-iphone-5-el-12-de-septiembre/].

Alberto Saldamando

Apple: iPhone 5 event on Sept. 12 | Evento del iPhone 5 el 12 de septiembre

[EN]: Apple has sent this morning an invite to selected members of…

Alberto Saldamando