Tag: Xbox360

Capcom: “Dmc – Devil May Cry” – ‘Vergil’s Downfall’ DLC Trailer

[EN]: Vergil's Downfall, the untold story of Dante's twin brother, will be…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix / IO Interactive: “Hitman: Absolution” – ‘Introducing the Ultimate Assassin’ Trailer

Info: [https://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/square-enix-io-interactive-hitman-absolution-introducing-the-ultimate-assassin-trailer/].

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix / IO Interactive: “Hitman: Absolution” – ‘Introducing the Ultimate Assassin’ Trailer

[EN]: IO Interactive has been sharing for some months the videos of…

Alberto Saldamando

Namco Bandai: “Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3” – ‘Minato vs Sasuke’ Trailer

[EN]: Though we won't be seeing this Naruto game during this Holiday…

Alberto Saldamando

Activision: “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” – YouTube Live Streaming | Transmisión en vivo via YouTube

[ES]: Parece que una de las mejores y nuevas características del próxima Call…

Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Resident Evil 6” – December Update | Actualización en diciembre

[EN]: Though many people have been disappointed with the camera angles in…

Alberto Saldamando

EA: “Medal of Honor Warfighter” – ‘Zero Dark Thirty Map Pack’ – Gameplay Trailer

[EN: From EA]: The Zero Dark Thirty Map Pack is inspired by…

Alberto Saldamando

Square Enix / IO Interacgtive: “Hitman: Absolution” – ‘Introducing: Disguises’

[EN]: As an agent, it is part of your job to disguise…

Alberto Saldamando