As the CEO of Facebook, Zuckerberg has been busy in the last few days mainly because of the decision to take the company public yesterday at a value of $100 billion.
This financial decision was not the only decision he had in mind. Recently, Zuckerberg posted a cover photo of his wedding with long-time girlfriend Priscilla Chan, who just graduated from med school at UCSF (University of California, San Francisco).
The status on his profile has already changed to married. Her status said “married to Mark Zuckerberg.”
Perhaps the best comment about his marriage: Adrian Bunter: “Congratulations to you both. May your life be filled with joy and excitement. And wow, what a week for you both – I hope you manage to top it week in and week out together.”
Como el CEO de Facebook, Zuckerberg ha estado ocupado en los últimos días debido principalmente por la decisión de tomar la empresa pública ayer a un valor de $ 100 mil millones.
Esta decisión financiera no era la única decisión que tenía en mente. Recientemente, Zuckerberg publicó una foto de portada de su boda con su novia de mucho tiempo Priscilla Chan, que acaba de graduarse de la escuela de medicina en la UCSF (Universidad de California, San Francisco).
El estado en su perfil ha cambiado ya a casado. El estado de ella ya dice “casada con Mark Zuckerberg”.
Tal vez el mejor comentario sobre su matrimonio en su perfil: Adrian Bunter: “Felicitaciones a los dos que tu vida sea llena de gozo y emoción y wow, qué semana para los dos – Espero que te las arreglas para colmo, semana tras semana juntos.
[Sources/Fuentes]: Gizmodo: Zuckerberg just got married [https://gizmodo.com/5911744/zuckerberg-just-got-married]; NYT: Mark Zuckerberg ties the knot [https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/19/mark-zuckerberg-ties-the-knot/]; Mark Zukckerberg: [https://www.facebook.com/zuck].