During Major Nelson’s podcast posted earlier today, Phil Spencer, MS Studios VP mentioned an exclusive is coming to the Xbox One.
Spencer said “We’re gonna have a really short stage presentation with some news, talking about some unique exclusive coming to the platform,” at the upcoming Gamescom event which takes place in Cologne, Germany late this month. “We’re going to talk about Europe’s biggest franchise and maybe some interesting things. We have some stuff, but most of the time will be spent with the press getting time with the developers, with their games. So you should think about this as a room with a lot of hands-on. We think that these platforms are about the games, and we want to give the press time with the games.” Though Spencer was not specific about what game he refers to as “Europe’s biggest franchise,” he could most likely be talking about FIFA because of its fan base and is the #1 sport in that continent.
If you want to listen to the entire podcast, click on Play here:
[Source]: Major Nelson.com: [https://majornelson.com/cast/2013/08/13/mnr-488-phil-spencer/].