According to Japan’s Nikkei, Sony is considering the possibility of making the PlayStation VR compatible with Windows PCs.
An interpreter (MSDefenseForce) posted on r/PSVR a rough translation of a statement made by Masayasu Ito, SCE Executive VP: “Since Playstation 4 shares a lot of its internals with PCs, the possibility is there. At the moment we are focused on games and we are not ready to make any announcements at this stage, but I’d say there will be an expansion into various fields.”
While Ito also mentioned Sony is planning to ship more than 2 million PlayStation VR units in 2015, experts at Macquarie Securities believe Sony will sell eight million virtual reality headsets.
Also, a report published earlier today on the Wall Street Journal says the PS4K or PS4.5 will be announced before the launch of the PlayStation VR. The article said the upgraded PS4 will offer “a richer gaming environment, including a high-end virtual-reality experience.” It also states Sony will continue selling its successful and existing PS4 console, even after the launch of the upgraded console.
[Sources]: Polygon: Sony considering bringing PlayStation VR to PC; r/PSVR: Nikkei Japan Interview with Sony: sony is okay with bringing PSVR to PC in the future. But currently focus for bringing it for games on PS4; WSJ: Sony Plans New PlayStation for Graphics-Heavy Games, Nikkei: ソニー「プレステVR」、399ドルで試すヒットの法則.