Via Facebook, Infinity Ward asked fans to “mark your calendar” for a Call of Duty stream tomorrow, May 2nd. At 10:30 am Pacific time, Activision and IW will finally announce the arrival of their next game in the successful franchise, via Twitch.
According to the “Infinity Ward Behind the Scenes 2016 – Call of Duty Heritage” video released on YouTube today, “this year we’re working on the next iteration of the critically-acclaimed and globally successful Call of Duty series. We have fresh and familiar faces, talented people striving to make the greatest video games possible. Meet the new Infinity Ward.”
Infinity Ward Behind the Scenes 2016 – Call of Duty® Heritage
Also on the Call of Duty page at Facebook, there is a new video of Lt. Reyes giving a message to players. Players can actually chat with him via Facebook Messenger at
[Sources]: @InfinityWard (Facebook): Mark your calendar; @CallOfDuty (Facebook): Are you hearing me, soldier?; Call of Duty (YouTube): Infinity Ward Behind the Scenes 2016 – Call of Duty Heritage.