During the 2021 Anime Expo this past Saturday, Lucasfilm introduced fans to Star Wars Visions, an upcoming anthology series of anime shorts.
According to the StarWars.com post, there wasn’t any specific timeline for the seven anime studios to focus on. Instead, Lucasarts allowed creators the freedom “to tell stories they want to tell” and to use whatever timeline. Studios also were allowed the freedom to create new characters or to make use of established ones already.
“We really wanted to give these creators a wide creative berth to explore all the imaginative potential of the Star Wars galaxy through the unique lens of anime,” said executive producer James Waugh. “We realized we wanted these to be as authentic as possible to the studios and creators who are making them, made through their unique process, in a medium they’re such experts at. So the idea was, this is their vision riffing off all the elements of the Star Wars galaxy that inspired them — hopefully to make a really incredible anthology series, unlike anything we’ve seen before in the Star Wars galaxy.”
“What’s really exciting is how unique and special each one of these shorts are,” said executive producer Josh Rimes at the panel. “Each studio has different styles and tones.”
Among the people at work is the sound designer of the original Astro Boy anime for Akakiri.
Also, the musical score for The Ninth Jedi was recorded at the Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall.
The series will make its debut September 22 on Disney+.
Check out the list of the anime shorts and an intro video of Star Wars: Visions.
- Kamikaze Douga – The Duel
- Geno Studio (Twin Engine) – Lop and Ochō
- Studio Colorido (Twin Engine) – Tatooine Rhapsody
- Trigger – The Twins
- Trigger – The Elder
- Kinema Citrus – The Village Bride
- Science Saru – Akakiri
- Science Saru – T0-B1
- Production IG – The Ninth Jedi
[Source]: StarWars.com: Anime Expo Lite: 20 Things We Learned from the Star Wars: Visions Panel – [Archive].