A new release date for the vast, galaxy-spanning sci-fi role-playing game Starfield was revealed by Bethesda Softworks. The initial launch date for Starfield, scheduled for November 11, 2022, was revealed in 2018. Later, it was postponed until the first half of 2023. Starfield will now be available on September 6, 2023.
Starfield, which has a mute protagonist and first-person conversations, is heavily influenced by Bethesda’s own Elder Scrolls. Also, there are more than 100 star systems to discover and more than 1,000 planets to look through.
With the game’s new release date comes the Starfield Direct announcement scheduled for June 11, 2023. Game Director Todd Howard said, “There’s so much we still have to show you. This game has many of the hallmarks that you’d expect from us, but it’s also a very unique experience.”
Starfield is coming to Xbox Series X|S and PC on September 6, 2023.
If you missed it, watch the Starfield: Official Launch Date Announcement right here.
[Source]: Bethesda.net: Starfield Official Launch Date – [Archive] – [Screenshot]. Fecha oficial de lanzamiento de Starfield – [Archive] – [Screenshot].