Tag: new iPad

Apple and the new ‘new iPad’ | Apple y el nuevo ‘nuevo iPad’

Info: [http://elmundotech.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/apple-and-the-new-new-ipad-apple-y-el-nuevo-nuevo-ipad/].

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Apple and the new ‘new iPad’ | Apple y el nuevo ‘nuevo iPad’

[EN]: As many people expected, Apple was going to show the media…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Bad Robot Interactive: “Action Movie FX” [iOS] – ‘Black Ops 2’ Update

[EN]: One of my favorite apps is only available on iOS devices.…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Capcom: “Street Fighter x Tekken Mobile” [iPhone]

[ES]: Capcom anunció el día de hoy la llegada en este verano…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando

Review: The new iPad (16GB, 4G + Wi-Fi, Verizon Wireless)

[EN]: Apple has set the standards for portable, electronic products since the…

Alberto Saldamando Alberto Saldamando