Fans who wanted see a new SFV character at the NY Comic Con may be feeling disappointed, but game producer Yoshinori Ono showed Alex in SFV though not as players would have wanted, but there may be hope for his return.
While showing the New York stage in SFV, Ono mentioned via an interpreter the presence of veteran fighter Alex (from SFIII). “I wondered if you guys noticed that Alex is standing in the background?” did surprise fans. Though Alex’s minor appearance is now confirmed, Ono said “I will do what I can [to bring Alex to the game].”
These statements are not a confirmation for an official return of Alex, however, Ono mentioned “I was made very aware of how much you guys want Alex, so I will definitely take that with me to Japan.”
[Sources]: Ono Comments on Alex’s Future in Street Fighter V; Street Fighter creator teases Alex for upcoming game at New York Comic Con.