It’s cool to make a device work as an older one because in a way it shows the appreciation and respect for past and present tech. It seems like it’s what GBATemp user Shutterbug2000 does because he runs Windows 95 on a New Nintendo 3DS.
A few gamers have already achieved what was thought impossible, including running Linux on PlayStation 4, which happened some days ago.
Today’s New Nintendo 3DS is way more powerful than the computers of 20 years ago, and gamers on the GBATemp forum are sharing their dream of seeing old Windows 95 games played on Nintendo’s portable device, though not many users still have one N3DS compared to the regular 3DS models.
We haven’t seen how efficient software works on the New Nintendo 3DS, but you can see a bit of how the N3DS loads Windows 95 in this video.
[Source]: GBATemp / Shutterbug2000: Windows 95 on N3DS.
[Via]: NeoGaf / Hot Coldman: Windows 95 running on a New Nintendo 3DS.