Telltale Games announced The Wolf Among Us 2 Stream will take place online on YouTube and Twitch on February 9.
The behind-the-scenes presentation hosted by Geoff Keighley will start at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET.
The announcement by Telltale Games also mentions “+ more” suggesting Telltale Games would announce other titles as well.
The mystery-drama adventure franchise based on the Fables comic book series made its debut in October 2013. Five episodic released were on multiple consoles (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One), computers (Windows, OS X) and mobile devices (PS Vita, iOS).
Telltales Games started its pre-production for TWAU2 in December 2019.
Greetings from Fabletown!
You’re invited to join us for a behind-the-scenes look at #TWAU2 + more, hosted by @geoffkeighley.
Wednesday 2/9, 10am PT#TheWolfIsBack
— Telltale Games (@telltalegames) February 7, 2022
Wednesday, it's finally time: Greetings from Fabletown!
You’re invited to join me for a behind-the-scenes look at The Wolf Among Us 2 #TWAU2
Streaming live Wednesday 2/9, 10am PT on Twitch and YouTube#TheWolfIsBack
— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) February 7, 2022
[Sources]: @TelltaleGames (Twitter): Greetings from Fabletown! .. – [Archive] – [Screenshot]. @GeoffKeighley (Twitter): Wednesday, it’s finally time: Greetings from Fabletown! .. – [Archive] – [Screenshot].