During today’s Nintendo Direct devoted to its portable console, the company revealed a new and improved version of the gaming device, known as the New Nintendo 3DS, with characteristics not seen in the previous models.
Among the New Nintendo 3DS features and improvements:
- A second analog stick, known as the C-stick (reference to the Gamecube controller).
- Improved battery life (3.5 to 6 hours for the regular-size New 3DS and 3.5 to 7 hours for the New 3DS LL/XL).
- Colorful buttons, like the ones on the SNES controller.
- Game card slot moved to the front left of the 3DS.
- ZR and ZL buttons in the back next to L and R buttons.
- New stylus.
- New 3DS adjusts brightness by itself.
- Improved 3D view from the far left or far right sides, offering better angles without being blurred by detecting the player’s face.
- NFC capabilities built-in (needed for Amiibo toys).
- Improved CPU for make quicker downloads.
- New titles, such as the upcoming version of Xenoblade Chronicles, will be able to make use of the new capabilities of the 3DS.
- Cover plates.
Nintendo said the New Nintendo 3DS model will costs about $154 and its LL/XL version about $181, with a Japanese release date of October 11.
Unfortunately, gamers in North America and Europe will not be able to buy the New 3DS in their territories during this current calendar year.
To watch the features and improvements of the New 3DS, jump to video to the 29 minutes, 43 seconds mark.
[Source]: Nintendo @ YouTube: Nintendo 3DS Direct 2014.8.29 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x17E0PCsrns]; New Lineup for Nintendo 3DS Debuts “New Nintendo 3DS” & “New Nintendo 3DS XL” To be launched on October 11 [https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2014/140829.html?link=rss].