Hey, Rock Band fans, it’s time to grab your guitars again and play more songs. Since last month’s new launch of tracks after an almost two-year hiatus, Harmonix is bringing back new content for the second time in this new year.
With last month’s offering of Artic Monkeys’ “R U Mine?” and two others for Rock Band 3 and Rock Band Blitz (PS3/X360), Harmonix brings this month the addition of Tenacious D’s “Rize of the Fenix” and Weezer’s “Back To The Shack” to its collection, starting tomorrow February 17, each song priced at US$1.99, UK £.99 UK, EU €1.49.
If you are into Rock Band DLC tracks, get moving and pick up the guitar once again.
[Source]: RockBand.com: Rock Band DLC Announcement: Tenacious D and Weezer.