The 12GB RTX 4080 graphics card that Nvidia was going to release has been put on hold. After announcing the release of the 12GB RTX 4080 alongside the more powerful 16GB model, Nvidia now acknowledges that the name of the 12GB model wasn’t named correctly.
Via a short blog post, Nvidia said “the RTX 4080 12GB is a fantastic graphics card, but it’s not named right. Having two GPUs with the 4080 designation is confusing. So, we’re pressing the ‘unlaunch’ button on the 4080 12GB. The RTX 4080 16GB is amazing and on track to delight gamers everywhere on November 16th.”
This announcement comes after lots of criticism over how much more powerful the 16GB RTX 4080 is than the 12GB model.
[Source]: Nvidia: Unlaunching The 12GB 4080 – [Archive].