Capcom officially announced yesterday the presence of Laura Matsuda, an expert fighter in the art of jiu-jitsu. What the company did not announced to everyone (except Japanese speakers via its SFV web site) is the relationship between Laura and another character previously seen in the fighting franchise. It turns out, as seen on the Japanese page of Street Fighter V, that Laura Matsuda is the older sister of Sean, a fighter who first appeared in Street Fighter III: New Generation. This picture confirms it; “ショーンの姉” means “Sean’s sister.” Combofiend at Capcom Unity also mentions this: “As the next heir of the famed Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu fighting style, Laura is constantly looking for strong opponents around the world to defeat, in an effort to spread the Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu’s name and prestige.”
Also, here’s the information Capcom shared with the media about Laura:
About Laura
Joining the series from her homeland in Brazil, Laura Matsuda is a Jiu-Jitsu specialist, a first for the Street Fighter series. Continuing the tradition of the famed Matsuda fighting style, Laura is constantly looking for strong opponents around the world to defeat, in an effort to spread the Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu’s name and prestige. Laura’s methodical grapple technique comes equipped with a stunning “Thunder Clap” projectile that zaps opponents and leaves them questioning if they should get in close, or keep their distance. By activating her “Spark Show” state, Laura’s projectiles fly further and her attacks and grabs have increased stun damage. Using a variety of quick moving attacks and effective command grabs, Laura will become a favorite for players who enjoy “up close and personal” mind games.
[Sources]: Capcom Japan: Street Fighter V: Character – Laura; Capcom Unity / Combofiend: Introducing Laura Matsuda to Street Fighter V!.
[Via]: Street Fighter V’s Laura Matsuda is Sean’s Older Sister.